Wednesday, May 6, 2020

IS spring free essay sample

Economy should serve the individuals by maximizing its wealth and power C. economy should serve the Rich by maximizing its wealth and power D. None of the above 3. Which one of the following was promoted under mercantilism? A. A nation should build strong army and conquer other nations. B. Grant legal monopolies to businesses that produce goods for export C. Establish colonies for raw D. All of the above 4. Which school of thought promoted freedom of press, rule of law, and a free market? A. Marxism B. Classical Mercantilism C. Classical Liberalism 5. Which one of the following theorists was against any protections for landlords and aid, Landlords gain is industrialists loss? A. Adam Smith B. David Ricardo C. Karl Marx D. Herbert Spencer 6. Which system tends to believe in trickle down economy? A. Socialism B. Communism C. Capitalism 7. What was David Ricardos point of view on foreign trade? A. We will write a custom essay sample on IS spring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foreign trade is not good for economy B. Foreign trade is not good for economy, therefore government should ban it C. Foreign trade is good for economy because it lowers the wages of local labor leading to more profit for the industrialists D. Balance between imports and exports is good for economy 8. In our discussion on Marxism, we presented a number of evolutionary stages of society. Which stage was pointed out in our lectures as Natural Socialism? A. Hunting and gathering societies B. Agrarian societies C. Ancient societies Feudal societies D. Who was the rural Proletariat during Feudalism? 9. A. Factory worker B. Feudal lord C. Farmer 10. In old days, shoemakers used to make shoes using simple tools. They sold it and made some profit for themselves. What type of capitalism was it? Cooperative capitalism A. Manufacturing capitalism B. Modern capitalism None of the above In a socialist society, who owns the means of production? 1. A. State B. Individuals C. Communities D. Bourgeoisie 12. Karl Marx lists a number of things under forces of production. Which one of the following is one of them? A. Labor C. Money, machines, and infrastructure 13. The story It was Grandfathers Birthday was used in our class to illustrate? A. Poverty B. Inequality C. Class conflict D. Alienation 14. According to Karl Marx, what is a class conflict? A. Conflict between two countries B. Conflict between two religious groups C. Conflict between Bourgeoisies and Proletariats 15. According to Marxists, which one of the following nations has a real socialism? A. China B. cuba C. North Korea 16. According to Karl Marx, what is the main reason of growth in Capital in a Capitalist society? A. Modern technology B. Optimum use of workers C. Exploitation of workers Modernization Theory 17. Which one of the following societies is relatively an undifferentiated society? A. France B. Chad C. Germany D. Norway Modernization theorys point of view on why Somalia is poor? A. Poverty of Somalia is a product of internal factors B. Poverty of Somalia is a product of external factors C. Poverty of nations is a product of both internal and external factors D. All of the Native Indians lived in a traditional society. According to Lews Model of 19. Modernization, which one of the following would be one of the characteristics of this society? A. Fewer specializations B. Universalism C. High use of money and market D. Complex bureaucracy 20. Social scientists have criticized modernization theory for a number of reasons. Why did they believe that Modernization theory is based on ethnocentrism? A. Western European definition of development was used for modernization B. Christian definition of development was used for modernization C. It completely ignored the role of colonialism in the development of Europe D. None of the above 21. Amish live very traditional life in the USA. You have been asked by the US government to prepare a plan to modernize them. Which one of the following should be the main focus of your plan? A. Make laws to force Amish to change B. Make laws to force Amish children to go to public schools C. Try to change the values, traditions, and culture of Amish D. All of the above 22. According to Modernization Generally speaking, how does it influence migration? A. Industrialization leads to a decline in migration B. Industrialization leads to an increase in migration C. Industrialization does not have any impact on migration D. It varies from country to country 23. Japan, USA, Norway, South Korea, and Netherlands went through the same process of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization. Why are these countries so different from one another? Because of cultural differences Because of religious differences Because of environmental differences All of the above World Systems Perspective 24. Which one of the following theorists said that foundations of dependency were laid down during 19th century Europe? A. Karl Marx B. A. G. Frank C. Adam Smith D. Moore 25. Which one of the following nations is Capital intensive? B. China C. India D. Bangladesh 26. Rwanda is a poor nation. Which one of the following reasons of under- development of Rwanda refers to Chase-Dunn? A. Colonialism B. Wars imposed by core nations C. Local environmental and social reason 27. According to Robert Cox, global financial organizations give out loans to poor countries. What is the real goal of these financial policies? B. Help the elites of those countries C. Help their own nations 28. Which one of the following characteristics refers to periphery nations? A. Urban B. Politically powerful C. Poor economy D. Stable governments 29. You watched a video on Wallenstein. What did he say about the future of Capitalism? A. Greed to accumulate wealth will help Capitalism to survive B. Capitalism will collapse as it is C. Capitalism will be replaced by religious fundamentalism 30. Which one of the following statements on Global economic and political interdependence refers to Chase Dunn? A. It helps poor nations through diffusion of technology B. It helps rich nations because they are able to sell their technologies to poor nations C. It helps both rich and poor countries Assignment 1 Generally speaking, in which continent life expectancy tends to be very high? 31. Africa Europe Latin America D. Asia 32. Which nations tend to have very high infant mortality rates?

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