Sunday, August 23, 2020

Writing Your Perfect News Story

Composing Your Perfect News Story A Detailed Guide on Writing a News Story Journalistic composing isn’t as simple as it appears. Regularly understudies have no clue about where to begin and how to state their sentences even, also directing meetings. Underneath, you will discover top tips on the most proficient method to make a subjective report. The theme or occasion you pick must be later and newsworthy The principal thing you ought to figure out how to do is to characterize what is newsworthy and what isn't. Any occasions occurring in a general public that may catch your reader’s consideration and is one of a kind and viable is viewed as a newsworthy story. In the event that you chose to inform perusers concerning a business which isn't new or doesn’t offer any changes, it won’t be a newsworthy story. In any case, telling about another business in a specific zone is truly newsworthy. Make a point to enlighten your perusers concerning the most recent occasions just, not the ones happening seven days back or something like that. Society is examining something different as of now and your news must be modern and expound on something happening at this moment. Likewise, make a point to be â€Å"local†, for example composing for the correct network. Referencing the overall occasions is additionally satisfactory; in any case, the occasions going on in your general vicinity are your need. Address the overall occasions just in the event that they some way or another influence the crowd you compose for. Meeting the observers The meetings must be led with the right individuals, and it is vital. On the off chance that you expound on the bank burglary, you need to converse with the supervisor of the bank, a clerk, or any worker engaged with the occasion. Except if the bank customers were observers of the theft, you ought not talk with them. Make a point to ask everybody at the earliest opportunity. Recall that you need to tell about the most up to date occasions. Who? What? When? Where? Those fundamental four Ws must be built up inside the principal section of your composition, while â€Å"why† and â€Å"how† can be unveiled in the accompanying passages as of now. You are making a kind of a pyramid, on the highest point of which you compose the most significant data. Set up your piece When you have all the vital materials, begin building your piece. Recollect that the most significant data is on the top, for example in the earliest reference point. Include citations You can include citations when composing or at explicit focuses in your story. Make a point to express the complete name, occupation, time of key individuals in your story. Quest for some extra figures or realities When you have finished your story, google extra statistical data points which will be fascinating and will enable your story to stick out. Your activity will be to rival different news sources, and you will utilize a similar data and convey your data to similar perusers, so you will unquestionably require some additional data. Rehash your article uproarious Prior to giving your article to your teacher (or editorial manager), read your article resoundingly to comprehend the general progression of your story. Composing a report isn't so troublesome, and you will increase a few aptitudes in the wake of finishing such assignment multiple times.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theory of Communication Free Essays

Contextual analysis Theory of Communication Introduction to Communication Good correspondence and relational aptitudes are essential for accomplishment in business. The capacity to convey plainly and influentially is regularly observed as the key trait of the successful chief or manager. Elevated level relational abilities are likewise fundamental in particular capacities, for example, showcasing, human asset the executives, advertising and secretarial. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hypothesis of Communication or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Correspondence is the methods by which singular workers pass on their needs, thoughts and emotions to other people,( not just directors or masters). Procedure of Communication Context Medium/Channel Message Feedback Noise Communication can be characterized as the procedure by which, thoughts, data, sentiments, disposition, and feeling are passed on starting with one individual then onto the next. The communicator or sender is the individual who starts the discussion by communicating something specific. The collector is the individual who gets the messages and finishes the correspondence by reacting to it. Most correspondence is two way and must have both a sender and collector, either up close and personal or by different methods, for example, phone, letters, messages and so on. Non-verbal communication additionally has a major influence in correspondence. Sender Encoding Recipient Decoding Communication codes * Written language * Spoken language * Dress * Body language * Pictures, photos and realistic representations. * Sign language, Braille. * Numbers * Computer language Communication Medium The medium is the methods used to transmit the message. Media can be classified into five headings; composed, oral, visual, electronic and mass. Set up media can give a composed account, can transfer complex data, can be painstakingly considered and mix-ups can be altered. It requires some investment to create and is more unoriginal than discourse. * Letter * Report * Memo * Press Release * Company magazine Advertising flyer Oral media is more straightforward and individual, input is quick. Oral media can be bolstered by non-verbal communication. Be that as it may, there might be no record of what is said and on the off chance that you state something you don’t mean you can't take it back. * Conversation vis-à-vis or phone * Interview * Meeting * Presen tation * Oral instructions Visual media can have a prompt effect, it can bolster verbal introductions. * Nonverbal * Diagrams * Charts * Photographs * Models Electronic media gives quick correspondence over significant distance, can convey both verbal and visual data. * Video * Telephone * E-mail * Internet Broad communications is a significant wellspring of data; it can arrive at an enormous number of individuals and can be utilized for promoting. * Television * Radio * Press * Film Channels of Communication The station is the air that conveys sound waves among speaker and audience, for example, * Television stations * Radio * Postal framework * Computer systems * Courier administrations * Telephone Barriers to Communication Effective correspondence is troublesome and botches are frequently made. We see this in regular day to day existence, we gripe when somebody doesn’t react to our messages in the manner we expect, they don't comprehend what we truly intended to state. In business, challenges with correspondence can cause disturbance. Great business openings can be lost or lamentable administration choices made. A genuine breakdown in correspondence can put the extremely fate of an organization in danger. Correspondence blunders can never be totally dispensed with. All things considered, we are probably going to be progressively effective communicators on the off chance that we know about the variables that cause correspondence to come up short. A few hindrances hold up traffic of correspondence and a portion of these can be dodged or survived. Physical Barriers Among these boundaries are poor hearing or vision, ailment, tiredness, or stress. Different obstructions can be, interruptions, for example, an office that is excessively warm or excessively chilly, awkward seating, poor phone association or the commotion of traffic got notification from outside. In the event that an individual has a clinical issue this might be arranged by a visit to a specialist. On the off chance that the workplace is excessively hot or too chilly the indoor regulator might be changed and perhaps shutting the window would assist with shutting out the commotion. Language Barriers To pass on a message effectively it ought to be composed obviously in a language that the recipient will comprehend. Errors in spelling can hurt correspondence. Now and then neighborhood language can disturb great correspondence; it might be worthy in a specific exchange or calling. Slang or nearby accents might be hard for untouchables to comprehend. Nonverbal Barriers Facial appearance, stance and eye development all uncover our sentiments and perspectives to the beneficiary. When there is strife between a verbal and non verbal sign, it is the nonverbal sign that will in general be accepted. An individual may state that they are friendly and sure yet this may be negated by apprehensive non-verbal communication. Poor Listening Good listening is frequently the most significant piece of correspondence. Listening give us a superior comprehension of different people perspective, keeps up fellowships and helps business cooperation. When not listening appropriately, we regularly miss a significant point in a discussion. Issues with Perception is the way we comprehend ourselves and our general surroundings. We see the world through the faculties of sight, hearing, contact, taste and smell. We likewise have some physiological based observations, for example, impression of torment, heat, cold and so forth. We have mental observations, for example, considerations, fantasies and dreams. The mind enrolls these various boosts and sorts out them into shapes and examples that we can comprehend. Mix-ups can emerge on the off chance that we think others see things a similar way that we do ourselves. Regularly they don’t and this is a typical reason for correspondence disappointment. Attitudinal Barriers Stereotyping, partiality and undesirable attribution are among the attitudinal obstructions that can harm our capacity to our capacity to relate adequately to other people. * Stereotyping: We generalization others when we expect they will carry on with a specific goal in mind as a result of their appearance, job or a specific social gathering. We might be shocked to find that minimalistically dressed individuals have radical perspectives or that the large individual wearing a studded coat and driving a Harley Davidson ends up being as delicate as a sheep. In light of appearance gives a deficient and frequently mutilated image of what an individual is truly similar to. * Prejudice: Prejudice is a mentality of antagonistic vibe dependent on flawed speculations, for example, generalizations. It might be aimed at people or gatherings. Preference can be harming to correspondences if an individual accepts that someone else is second rate, incendiary, compromising, not completely part of the network, etc. On the off chance that we consider someone else not as much as ourselves, we are probably not going to esteem what they need to state. Bias is regularly a piece of obliviousness however perhaps better training will improve this. * Attribution:Even when we abstain from generalizing, we despite everything tragically judge individuals on unstable proof. We ought not tune in to what others state, this can now and then be deceiving. Having an exact image of individuals is essential for compelling correspondence, however it is something that must be developed gradually through time, understanding and ordinary contact. The Principles of Effective Communication As a Communicator 1. Contemplate your goals before imparting. What would you like to accomplish? Would you like to illuminate, convince, prompt or counsel the collector? What sort of reaction do you would like to get? At the point when you have addressed inquiries like these then you can consider the substance of the message and how you characterize it. 2. Put yourself in the communicator’s shoes. The receiver’s discernment may not be equivalent to yours. They may think distinctively or have various feelings. You may need to speak with politeness and affectability. 3. Pick the correct medium or blend of media. Challenges can emerge if an inappropriate medium is utilized. In the event that you attempt to portray a convoluted procedure by discourse alone the crowd may not get it. A blend of words and designs may work better. 4. Arrange your thoughts and express them cautiously. Set aside some effort to structure your thoughts in a legitimate succession. While picking your words, mull over the collectors understanding and phonetic capacity. Attempt to utilize words that the beneficiary will comprehend. Utilize language reasonable to the correspondence occurring, casual language that might be utilized on the shop floor may not be reasonable or suitable for a conference. 5. Think about the unique situation, breakdowns in correspondence regularly happen on the grounds that the collector is given data at an inappropriate time or spot. Indeed, even significant messages can be overlooked if the beneficiary is occupied or engrossed with something different. 6. Check for input, ensure your message has been gotten and comprehended. When talking eye to eye search for indications of puzzlement in your audience members, be set up to clarify if fundamental. In spite of the fact that the principle duty regarding imparting a message rests with the sender, the recipient likewise needs to tune in and ensure they comprehend and transfer the message to the opportune individual. As a Receiver 1. Give the message your complete consideration. Numerous messages are misconstrued on the grounds that the collector isn't concentrating, they are staring off into space, or there are an excessive number of interruptions. 2. Decipher the message accurately. This requires exertion and appropriate tuning in, in the event that you are uncertain of what is said; request it to be rehashed. Check the significance of new words or references. In spoken correspondence listen effectively and with compassion. Be alert for subtleties that may quietly modify the importance of the message. 3. Keep a receptive outlook, you ought not permit aversion of the communicator, or conflict with their convictions to impact your judgment. Make a target appraisal of the message regardless of what your relationship with

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Preparing for Your MBA in College

Immerse yourself in the international experience by interning at a foreign company living with foreign students. Wish I had done that a few years ago . We hear that frequently from MBA applicants as they’re filling out their MBA applications.  We don’t want you to have to say that.  This is the first of a five-part blog series with advice on how you can prepare, years in advance, to be competitive for a top MBA program. From college to those first years of work, I’ll discuss steps you can take along the way that will appeal to adcoms. The College Years: Grades: Good grades are important, especially for the top ten MBA programs. 3.5 GPAs and higher are recommended to make you competitive. They want to know you can handle the rigor of the MBA curriculum. So study! If you aren’t doing well, seek out tutors to help you master difficult subjects. If you do poorly in a class, see if you have time to retake it and so that you can replace a bad grade before graduation. However, if you do major in something very technical, adcoms are more forgiving. See below. Major: No majors are truly favored above others. But combined with your grades, they can tell a story. If you major in engineering and your GPA falls around a 3.2, that’s ok. Adcoms perceive that as a difficult major and one where the quantitative rigor is great preparation for bschool. But if you major in English Literature or sociology and get a 3.2, they may wonder whether you spent more time partying, than studying and whether you can handle a quantitative curriculum. When it comes to choosing a major, it’s great to show a balance between your quantitative and creative sides. If you do major in engineering, try also for a minor in a liberal art or language. If you major in a liberal art, like history or English, try for a minor in economics, computer science, business, or something else technical. In this digital economy, it would be foolhardy to enter the workforce without some sort of technical or analytical skill set. Job Hunt: It’s a given that working for a well-known brand can give a boost to your MBA application. Investment banks, consumer goods, logistics, consultingyou know the big names in these fields. I don’t need to name them here. If you work for a blue-chip firm, many adcoms consider that a sort of initial screening for a quality applicant. The promotion trajectory is known, as well as the stamina, intelligence, and communication skills required to succeed. HOWEVER, that is definitely not the only or best way to get an MBA down the road. Ultimately what you want to show is impact. You’re not going to make an impact unless you are passionate about what you do. As you begin your job hunt, make sure you find a good fit. Perhaps you’ll excel better at a start-up with a group of friends. Perhaps you want older mentors to consult with and challenge you. Perhaps you won’t feel good about your job unless you’re working to improve the world in some way. Perhaps you just want a job that will give you a foothold in a foreign country. Perhaps you’re facing financial burdens that don’t give you many options. The key is to make opportunities for yourself on the job. Take ideas and make them into realities. Gain leadership roles. Learn how to solve problems. That’s what you’ll be writing and talking about when it comes to application time. International experience: Adcoms at top MBA programs like to see candidates with international experience. If you can, during college go on a semester or year-abroad and learn a new language. If you’re already bi-lingual, become tri-lingual. This will prepare you to take advantage of international work opportunities in your professional life. But don’t just hang around with your compatriots. Try to get an internship at a foreign company. Live with foreign students. Really immerse yourself so you can have a transformative experience. Extracurriculars: Think quality, and not quantity. Adcoms like to see, again, that you can make a positive impact on organizations. It’s better to show one activity where you rose to a leadership position over a couple of years, than involvement in several one-off events. So get involved in something you enjoy. Better yet, start something brand new. Recruit others to join you. Seek to raise funds to make the organization stronger or more sustainable. Work with the organization to have a positive impact on the greater community around you. The Bottom Line: Study hard. Seek experiences where you have impact. Try to make something grow. ; Michelle Stockman is a professional journalist, former Columbia Business School admissions insider, and experienced MBA admissions consultant. Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  Best MBA Programs: A Guide to Selecting the Right One  [free guide] †¢Ã‚  4 Ways to Show How You’ll Contribute in the Future †¢Ã‚  Linda Abraham’s Admissions Assortment

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on Tom and Huck in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by...

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer In the Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, the friendship between the two friends Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer is strong enough to get them through some life changing adventures. The story takes place in the mid 1800s, in a Missouri town called St. Petersburg. Tom Sawyer is a very mischievous, adventurous kid, living with his Aunt Polly and her daughter, Mary, and his brother Sid. In the very beginning of the book Tom shows how mischievous he is when he tricks a couple of town kids into painting a fence for him. He talks about how its such an honor and great fun to paint fences, so the kids quickly join in taking a brush. Huck Finn, however, has a different lifestyle, envied greatly by Tom, his best†¦show more content†¦Robinson. Then, Injun Joe gets knocked down by Dr. Robinson, and Muff Potter tries to defend his partner but gets knocked unconscious from a gravestone thrashed at him by Robinson. Injun Joe then stabs the doctor with Potter?s knife, and tells Potter when he wakes up that while in a drunken rage, Potter killed Dr. Robinson. The boys hide in the bushes and then take off running soon afterwards. These are now the only two people in town other than Injun Joe, who know what happened exactly at the murder. ?Huckleberry, what do you reckonll come of this ?If Doctor Robinson dies, I reckon hangingll come of it.? ?Do you though ?Why, I KNOW it, Tom.? Tom thought a while, then he said: ?Wholl tell? We ?What are you talking about? Spose something happened and Injun Joe DIDNT hang? Why, hed kill us some time or other, just as dead sure as were a laying here.? ?Thats just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.? At this time they leave their hiding place in a bush and run away into town. This quote gives an in-depth perspective on how close their relationship is because they seem to think in the same manner, and in the manner that would benefit them the most. They are both scared and have no clue what to do, so for a while are loyal to each other in keeping the secret of the murder. ?Tom, we got to keep mum. You know that. That Injun devil wouldn?t make any more of drownding us than aShow MoreRelated Comparison of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain665 Words   |  3 PagesComparison of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were both characters created by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is the main character in the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn is the main character in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer were alike in many ways but they were also very different. One way in which Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are alike is that they are bothRead MoreMark Twain : Seeing America s Flaws1593 Words   |  7 PagesMark Twain: Seeing America’s Flaws â€Å"You don’t know about me, without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer , but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain and he told the truth, mainly. There was things he stretched, but mainly he told the truth† (qtd. in Jones 237). That was the very first line in Mark Twain’s controversial book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Samuel L. Clemens, as a young boy, grew up on the Mississippi and learned the ways of southernRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Tom Sawyer 1629 Words   |  7 PagesTom sawyer is a very fun and entertaining book and is great for all families and children alike. Why do i say this, I say this because the book of Tom Sawyer is set in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg may be small but it s got everything a boy could ever want. This really adds to the excitement and appeal of the book. Another thing that adds to the appeal of the book is the narrator point of view. Twain does a good job of using versatility and verbal skill in the narrator point of view. For exampleRead MoreCindy Lam. Mrs. Johnson . English Ii, Period 5 . 31 March1188 Words   |  5 PagesCindy Lam Mrs. Johnson English II, Period 5 31 March 2017 Mark Twain’s View on Education Through Huck and Tom A unique man once stated, â€Å"Don’t let schooling interfere with your education† and that was the author himself, Mark Twain through the constant mentioning of education in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the novel, Jim, a runaway slave, is imprisoned in a shack on the Phelps’ plantation. Just after, Huck and Tom, the two best friends meet up and both agree to help rescue Jim. TheRead MoreMark Twain s Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1586 Words   |  7 Pagesof The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are closely related to Mark Twain’s own life experiences. The fictional town of St. Petersburg very closely resembles Twain’s childhood home in a small town in Missouri, because of the Mississippi River (Stanley 1). He remembers both the ups and downs of his childhood and conveys these in the novel (Higgins). Many of his memories of living by the Mississippi river are displayed in this novel as Tom has several encounters with rivers (â€Å"Mark Twain†) . Twain also interpretsRead MoreEssay on A Brief Biography of Mark Twain1322 Words   |  6 Pagesfrom living life and experiencing the hustle and bustle of a river town. Clemens later went on to become a riverboat pilot perpetuated by displaying his yearning for travel. While on the river Samuel’s pen name became the name we all know today, Mark Twain. A term that riverboat engineers used to describe the depth of the waters the boat traveled. Twain’s humoristic writing style was influenced by his days as an editor of a local newspaper. A news paper that was saturated with jokes and tall talesRead MoreTom Sawyer : Little Rascal And Proper Southern Gentleman1696 Words   |  7 PagesTom Sawyer: Little Rascal and Proper Southern Gentleman In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer appears in St Petersburg and at the Phelps’ farm as Huck Finn’s companion. Though Tom serves as Huck’s partner-in-crime of sorts, the two boys contrast in crucial perceptual and behavioral aspects: where Tom possesses a love for romanticism and a strict policy of adherence to societal conventions and codes, Huck possesses a skeptical sort of personality in which he tends to perceive society’sRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1103 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish Mr. Nelson November 27th The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Written by Mark Twain filled his stories with many examples of satire as to convey a message while also writing an interesting story. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn revolves around the adventures of a young boy called Huckleberry Finn, who is about thirteen years old. Tom Sawyer is Huck’s best friend and around the same age as Huck. He is only there in the first fewRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer904 Words   |  4 PagesThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer Critical Analysis â€Å"Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them, instead they require maturity to outgrow them.† (1). Eventually in life we will have to grow up and face our problems maturely, and it’s a large price to pay. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom faces a challenge of maturity. The question is, did Tom mature socially or morally more? My thesis is Tom matured morally over socially in the book, due to how much he doesn’t learn to obey thoseRead MoreWriting Style And Themes Of Mark Twain3368 Words   |  14 PagesWriting Style and Themes of Mark Twain On November 20, 1835, in the basically unknown town of Florida, Missouri, John Marshall and Jane Clemens gave birth to their sixth child, Samuel Langhorne Clemens. When he turned thirteen, he left school to become a printer’s apprentice. Two years later, Samuel Clemens joined his brother Orion’s newspaper as a full time printer and editorial assistant. It was at his brother’s newspaper that Samuel Clemens truly found his passion for writing. However, at

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Debating Same-Sex Marriages - 1036 Words

From the point of view of Gallagher, marriage is to give a child a mother and a father and to raise them in the best environment possible. She argues that when men a women have a kid and are not married or stay married the family structure falls apart and then is when many bad things happen to more kids like: poverty, welfare dependence, child abuse, sexual abuse, physical illness, infant mortality, homicide, premature and promiscuous sexuality, juvenile delinquency, educational failure, conduct disorders and adult criminality and many others. This is also when children suffer and communities pay the consequences with crime. This is why she thinks that having a good family structure meaning one father and one mother is so important. She†¦show more content†¦But I do agree with Gallaghers argument towards homosexual marriages having kids, they should not be allowed to have or rise kids period; because this would cause a great impact on the kids life socially and confusion men tally. Society is really cruel and ignorant and for sure a kid that has two moms or two dads will have a hard time at school or social places. If we relate these to interracial marriages it does sound like the same thing, and I know for sure that people made fun or bother kids that had parents that weren’t the same color but after many years society is over that and I’m sure that same thing will probably happened if homosexual marriages start having kids now. But let’s face it, it would take a lot of years to pass until society becomes used to see homosexuals walk in the streets holding hands or kissing and mean while kids would be suffering. There has to be another way of doing it, I don’t agree with a kid having to suffer the consequences of this stupid society. Maybe if people are educated about homosexual relationships letting them know that there is nothing wrong with it, that it’s completely normal and that they should see it like any other couple. Again is not as easy as it sounds because this method might work with does that are open to newShow MoreRelatedShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?945 Words   |  4 PagesShould Same-Sex Marriage Be Legalized? Regardless of color, ethnicity, culture or religion, marriage has been and always have considered to be a man and a woman. This concern has been a debating and a hot topic currently in the United States politics, it is prohibited in a majority of the nation till the President have pass the law for same-sex marriage. With this question, I feel that same sex marriage should not be legalized, but it cannot be banned. I sense that a marriage is intensely betweenRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Essay1370 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are others doing? Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same-sex unions. Indeed, Canada is coming to the debate later than many countries. Several countries have debated this issue for many years and have come up with a variety of approaches, ranging from same-sex marriage in the Netherlands to the legal recognition of domestic partners, registered partnerships and civil unions in Scandinavia, parts of Europe and parts of the United StatesRead More Gays Have a Right to Marry Essay779 Words   |  4 PagesEvery teen faces that time when their parent or parents choose to tell them about sex. Well, what if it happened that instead of sex your parents chose to tell you about the injustice of not letting people in the gay community marry. If this was to happen, then there would be a better understanding of gay relationships and their want to get married. This would more then likely lead to the ending of the ban on gay marriages. In his essay â€Å"Let Gays Marry†, Andrew Sullivan, who happens to be a homosexualRead MoreThe Rights Of Same Sex Couples1514 Words   |  7 PagesThe rights of same-sex couples is a big controversy currently, and although there are still many in opposition, the number of supporters increases regularly. Not only do most opposing take a religious standpoint, but they also claim is have a negative effect on â€Å"real marriage† and that same-sex households cannot provide the necessary parenting needed to properly raise a child. Not only do most advocates feel that some of the opposing arguments make no sense, but also that others are based off ofRead MoreControversial Topic of Same-Sex Marriage797 Words   |  3 PagesResearcher (CQR) issued a report covering the issue of gay marriage. In their article, Gay Marriage, the CQR discusses the controversy of curbs on same-sex marriage, as well as if the Supreme Court will end these curbs. Within this larger controversy of same-sex marriage, the CQR points out four issues dealing with the topic at hand. The first issue questions whether the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) improperly denies federal benefits to same sex couples. Another issue covered in the report is if CaliforniaRead MoreThe Gay Marriage Should Be Legal947 Words   |  4 PagesDefending Gay Marriage During the last few years, homosexuality has become an important issue for debate. Moreover, homosexuals have taken their case further by claiming their right to marry. Same-sex marriage, usually known as â€Å"gay marriage†, is the marriage between two people from the same biological sex (Doskow1). Since 2000, eleven countries have approved the legalization of gay marriage worldwide: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, ArgentinaRead MoreGay Marriage Essay1335 Words   |  6 PagesGay Marriage People should be able to marry whomever they want and they shouldnt have the fear to be judged and have the same rights of everybody else becasue they are people just like us. Gay marriage has affected the country in many ways. It was legalized just two years ago by the Supreme Court ruling it ( I chose this topic because people should do what they want and marry who they want so they have the same rights as everybody else. There was 14 states that did not allowRead MoreShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?912 Words   |  4 Pages 2015, the day in which the Supreme Court declared that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to legally marry nationwide. Legalizing same-sex marriage has become a major political issue and has caused many debates. Many believe that homosexuality is immoral and against the bible, while others think of it as just another way of living. Although every person has their own perspective, whether they are for or against same-sex mar riage, it should not be looked down upon or disrespected for theRead More Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberties: Essay1558 Words   |  7 PagesIn the United States, legalization of same-sex marriage has a long-standing history of opposition from religious circles. Some argue against the legalization of same-sex marriage based on their interpretation of the Bible’s stance against homosexuality (Dobson, O’Brien). Other opponents argue against the practice based on universal tenets of moral behavior, fundamental beliefs that are said to underpin our country’s existing laws and should not be eroded (George, Finnis, Friedman). IncreasinglyRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage984 Words   |  4 Pagesthe last few years and immensely impacted the lives of many: both homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. It has helped grant homosexuals the ability to get married while also helping or hurting heterosexuals depending on their opinion of whether same-sex marriage is right. Those that support it are praised for their nature of acceptance and understanding, yet those who believe it is wrong, based off of religion or personal morality, are berated by society for being homophobic and inconsiderate of other

IS spring free essay sample

Economy should serve the individuals by maximizing its wealth and power C. economy should serve the Rich by maximizing its wealth and power D. None of the above 3. Which one of the following was promoted under mercantilism? A. A nation should build strong army and conquer other nations. B. Grant legal monopolies to businesses that produce goods for export C. Establish colonies for raw D. All of the above 4. Which school of thought promoted freedom of press, rule of law, and a free market? A. Marxism B. Classical Mercantilism C. Classical Liberalism 5. Which one of the following theorists was against any protections for landlords and aid, Landlords gain is industrialists loss? A. Adam Smith B. David Ricardo C. Karl Marx D. Herbert Spencer 6. Which system tends to believe in trickle down economy? A. Socialism B. Communism C. Capitalism 7. What was David Ricardos point of view on foreign trade? A. We will write a custom essay sample on IS spring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foreign trade is not good for economy B. Foreign trade is not good for economy, therefore government should ban it C. Foreign trade is good for economy because it lowers the wages of local labor leading to more profit for the industrialists D. Balance between imports and exports is good for economy 8. In our discussion on Marxism, we presented a number of evolutionary stages of society. Which stage was pointed out in our lectures as Natural Socialism? A. Hunting and gathering societies B. Agrarian societies C. Ancient societies Feudal societies D. Who was the rural Proletariat during Feudalism? 9. A. Factory worker B. Feudal lord C. Farmer 10. In old days, shoemakers used to make shoes using simple tools. They sold it and made some profit for themselves. What type of capitalism was it? Cooperative capitalism A. Manufacturing capitalism B. Modern capitalism None of the above In a socialist society, who owns the means of production? 1. A. State B. Individuals C. Communities D. Bourgeoisie 12. Karl Marx lists a number of things under forces of production. Which one of the following is one of them? A. Labor C. Money, machines, and infrastructure 13. The story It was Grandfathers Birthday was used in our class to illustrate? A. Poverty B. Inequality C. Class conflict D. Alienation 14. According to Karl Marx, what is a class conflict? A. Conflict between two countries B. Conflict between two religious groups C. Conflict between Bourgeoisies and Proletariats 15. According to Marxists, which one of the following nations has a real socialism? A. China B. cuba C. North Korea 16. According to Karl Marx, what is the main reason of growth in Capital in a Capitalist society? A. Modern technology B. Optimum use of workers C. Exploitation of workers Modernization Theory 17. Which one of the following societies is relatively an undifferentiated society? A. France B. Chad C. Germany D. Norway Modernization theorys point of view on why Somalia is poor? A. Poverty of Somalia is a product of internal factors B. Poverty of Somalia is a product of external factors C. Poverty of nations is a product of both internal and external factors D. All of the Native Indians lived in a traditional society. According to Lews Model of 19. Modernization, which one of the following would be one of the characteristics of this society? A. Fewer specializations B. Universalism C. High use of money and market D. Complex bureaucracy 20. Social scientists have criticized modernization theory for a number of reasons. Why did they believe that Modernization theory is based on ethnocentrism? A. Western European definition of development was used for modernization B. Christian definition of development was used for modernization C. It completely ignored the role of colonialism in the development of Europe D. None of the above 21. Amish live very traditional life in the USA. You have been asked by the US government to prepare a plan to modernize them. Which one of the following should be the main focus of your plan? A. Make laws to force Amish to change B. Make laws to force Amish children to go to public schools C. Try to change the values, traditions, and culture of Amish D. All of the above 22. According to Modernization Generally speaking, how does it influence migration? A. Industrialization leads to a decline in migration B. Industrialization leads to an increase in migration C. Industrialization does not have any impact on migration D. It varies from country to country 23. Japan, USA, Norway, South Korea, and Netherlands went through the same process of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization. Why are these countries so different from one another? Because of cultural differences Because of religious differences Because of environmental differences All of the above World Systems Perspective 24. Which one of the following theorists said that foundations of dependency were laid down during 19th century Europe? A. Karl Marx B. A. G. Frank C. Adam Smith D. Moore 25. Which one of the following nations is Capital intensive? B. China C. India D. Bangladesh 26. Rwanda is a poor nation. Which one of the following reasons of under- development of Rwanda refers to Chase-Dunn? A. Colonialism B. Wars imposed by core nations C. Local environmental and social reason 27. According to Robert Cox, global financial organizations give out loans to poor countries. What is the real goal of these financial policies? B. Help the elites of those countries C. Help their own nations 28. Which one of the following characteristics refers to periphery nations? A. Urban B. Politically powerful C. Poor economy D. Stable governments 29. You watched a video on Wallenstein. What did he say about the future of Capitalism? A. Greed to accumulate wealth will help Capitalism to survive B. Capitalism will collapse as it is C. Capitalism will be replaced by religious fundamentalism 30. Which one of the following statements on Global economic and political interdependence refers to Chase Dunn? A. It helps poor nations through diffusion of technology B. It helps rich nations because they are able to sell their technologies to poor nations C. It helps both rich and poor countries Assignment 1 Generally speaking, in which continent life expectancy tends to be very high? 31. Africa Europe Latin America D. Asia 32. Which nations tend to have very high infant mortality rates?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sonnys Blue Essays - Sonnys Blues, Sonny, , Term Papers

Sonny's Blue In James Baldwins story Sonny's Blues, blues plays a very important part, even the story itself is a blues, there is a mood of unhappy throughout the whole story. Also, this is a story about being safe and taking risk, and between the meaning of blues itself and for the story, we can some relations in terms of this theme. Blues is a kind of music that to express a sad mood. It is synonymous with low spirits and depressed emotion. The blues, both as a state of being and as music, are basic to the structure of the story, and both the narrator and his brother Sonny have had their share. The contradictory lives of the two brothers contribute to the theme of being safe and take risks. In this story, Baldwin writes about two brothers who grew together. As each of the boys grew older, they fell apart from one another and lived two completely different lives. The narrator, who is the older brother, seemed to be more conservative and more determined for a good future. Sonny, the younger brother, was more free-willed and did not even know what his plans were for the next hour, much less for the rest of his life. The narrator's major source of discontent has been his selfish desire to assimilate and lead a respectable, safe life as a high-school algebra teacher. When he learns of Sonny's troubles with drugs and the law, he feels threatened. For him, the way he lives now is safe, and all Sonny does are dangerous. Baldwin carefully establishes the brothers as opposites. The narrator is a cautious, respectable family man. He teaches math and is proud of his professional standing. Living in a Harlem housing project, he consciously protects himself from the dangers that surround him. Sonny, by contrast, is a romantic artist who is not afraid of taking risks to pursue the things he desires. His passion for music makes him impatient with everything else. He drops out of school. In his brother's view he is wild but not hard or evil or disrespectful. However, Sonny also tries to stay away from danger. It is not his wish that to live a corrupted life like he had. He has several things that he is trying to escape, He tries to escape by joining the military, but fails. He tries to escape through drugs and fails. The drugs become another thing to try and escape but only compound his problem. Later, he decides that the only escape he can get from his problems is those moments when he can immerse himself in his music. He realizes that the problems are real and that he can't truly escape them. Music becomes his escape. Perhaps there is no way that we can absolutely stay out of danger, like Sonnys father said that there is no safe place for anyone, or just like Sonny says that Sonny says there is no way not to suffer. English Essays