Saturday, February 29, 2020


Accreditation can be viewed from two broad perspectives. It can either   be seen as a status and on the other hand, it can also be seen as a process. As a process, accreditation is the practice of certifying that an institution or a program has met some required standard and so, people are free to enjoy the facility. The institution to be accredited is subjected to such tests as to verify the veracity and authenticity of their claims. In this way, the institution therefore continues to seek ways by which it can improve in order to maintain its accreditation status. As a status, moreover, accreditation is the provision of notification to the general public that a process, or a program or an institution, as the case may be has met certain standards and the claims it is making are genuine. This is a sort of legalization as it gives them the right to operate their business. Accreditation is very important. it is necessary as it is a pointer to the quality of service an institution or organization is providing. Moreover, in situations where there are several providers of the same, or similar service, accreditation helps the consumer to be better positioned to make informed choices on which to choose from. Accreditation also gives room for continuous evaluation of the quality of products and services. Accreditation also ensures that the concerned corporations strive to continually improve on their services as they are subjected to periodic evaluation. This translates to a better quality of service to the consumers. The Joint Commission is a non-profit organization not affiliated to the government. it operates by scheduled surveys of hospitals. The hospitals are notified beforehand before the visits. The commission thereafter provides information as to the accreditation status of the hospital as well as the services that needs to be improved upon. The Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA) is also not affiliated to the government. It is a good substitute to the Joint commission as it also accredits health care facilities by surveying them. The accreditation option is tailored towards the Durable Medical Equipment. Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) is also a non-profit organization. it can also be seen as an alternative to the Joint commission. It accesses health care organizations that offer community based services. It is the first body created to perform this function. ACHC is another organization involved in the process or accrediting health care facilities. Its primary instrument is survey. There are a number of other agencies that are involved in accrediting health care. National Committee for quality Assurance: NCQA is also involved in the accreditation of health care facilities. It annually releases   a report on all accredited health care providers and facilities. Avmed is one of the health care providers in the country. It recently received an excellent rating from NCQAs annual ratings. This corresponds to the highest accreditation status that can ever be accorded a health institution for service and clinical quality. (Reuters, 2008) REFERENCES AvMed Receives Highest Quality Rating(2008) NCQA (2008) NAtional COmmittee for quality Assurance:Homepage The Joint COmmission (2008) About us.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Bloodsworth v. State 76 Md.App.23,543 A.2d 382 Research Paper

Bloodsworth v. State 76 Md.App.23,543 A.2d 382 - Research Paper Example Though Bloodsworth did have an idea of the actual person who committed the crime, he thought about ways to prove his innocence. It was until 1992 that Bloodsworth introduced the idea of DNA testing, which together with lawyer Bob Morin he pushed for consideration as part of the evidence. Findings by Edward Blake of the Forensic Science Associates (FSA) in April of 1993 excluded Bloodsworth. Similar tests conducted by FBI to determine correctness of the tests of FSA showed a mismatch between the DNA in the examined underwear of the victim and that of Bloodsworth (McNamara, 2009). The state then moved quickly to dismiss the charges, and the court approved $300,000 compensation to Bloodsworth for lost earning during the detention. The case is important considering that it was the first to apply DNA test to exonerate a suspect. In this case, the court did great in the admissibility of the forensic science evidence to determine the truth. Dawn Hamilton, a 9 years old girl visiting her father during summer in 1984 missed when searching for her cousin Lisa near their residence in Rosedale, Maryland. Someone approached Dawn and offered to help in the search into nearby forest wood where the investigators found a mutilated body of Dawn. Two boys who were fishing in a nearby lake saw the man move with Dawn into the wood. After discovery of the body, the two boys assisted the police into recreating a composite of the appearance of the suspect. Upon publication of the composite, someone claimed that image resembled Kirk Bloodsworth. The police move to present the picture of Bloodsworth to the boys for identification. One boy could not link the picture with the suspect they saw. Another claimed that the picture resembled the suspect but there was a problem with the hair. Nonetheless, police obtained arrest warrant and arrested

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Marketing for low income people (Gillette Vs Nivea) Research Paper

Marketing for low income people (Gillette Vs Nivea) - Research Paper Example Nivea brand is one of the famous skin and beauty brands in the globe due to its intense and cultivating marketing strategies. The advancement of the brand is attributed to its extensive ranges of products worldwide like the moisturizers, deodorants, and shower products. These brands have magnificent appeals to both segments, especially the high income segment of customers, yet Nivea products sell across all segments. On the other hand, Gillette has evolved its marketing strategies approaches over the past few years to establish a more consumer-focused approach. The company has successfully installed brand confidence among the increasingly skeptical male consumer base in the world. Acquisition of new customers often results from the implementation of a product strategy. Products attract new customers by offering new features, eliminating old problems, and solving different needs. Products will be matched with viable market segments. Product development is a marketing strategy in which new goods and services are developed and then added to current lines (Bergh & Behrer, 2013). These are marketed to existing customers. Product diversification occurs when new goods and services are created for new market segments not currently served by the company. Unmet needs, cultural trends, and other developments lead to development and diversification strategies. Recent cultural trends associated with diet have led to new food products, while the desire for connectivity has been associated with the creation of new electronic devices. One key to developing products is following through with a well-designed plan of implementation that brings the whole company into the process. Product improvements solve specific problems. Many products have been made smaller, faster, more efficient, and more user-friendly over the years. Product improvements may help firm capture new customers and acquire competitors’ customers